Janelle gave me some of her hens' eggs a week or two ago. They're so lovely - different sizes and shades of tawny and heather-gray. The yolks are saffron-orange and salute proudly on the hot pan. But the best thing about these little beauts is the flavor. You can really taste the difference between eggs from lively chickens that breathe forest air, freely pecking at bugs and grit and weeds, and those from the soylent chickens that eat their own shit and feathers ground up with cornmeal and sawdust. Instead of the peaked, watery interiors of conventional (this includes so-called "free-range") eggs, these are rich and pastoral, humming with nutriment and fecundity.Typical Sunday morning breakfast: carb/protein/fat in equal parts for optimal metabolic performance (you didn't know I give a shit about that stuff, did you). Today it's a fresh-baked multi-grain bagel (take and bake from friendly neighborhood Marsee Baking) with thick slabs of uncured ham, egg fried over medium, and Gruyère. Wash down with ample amounts of good, strong coffee. Do chores.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Breakfast Sammich v2.0
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Chores suck. I like breakfast sammiches though.
You're so right! There is nothing better than a really, really fresh egg. But, the chores?? I could've done without a mention of chores.
The sammich looks delicious!
I could have used one of these this morning.
This is the breakfast of champions, for sure.
I've never had a fresh egg before. :/
mmmm...love he bagel...and please can I have a double espresso to go with that!
In regards to "real" eggs it's been ages that I've had anything similar and you can really tell the difference.
Ohgah, Egg McWowie.
Is that a Bambi mug?
yesterday we had a breakfast sandwich of
yeast free millet bread that was GOOD somehow
unsmoked but cured bacon that my friend made
mild boring but good organic cheddar
with farm fresh eggs
and the good strong coffee
i love that kinda thing...
i'm a breakfast fanatic
oh and
the one thing i seek out the hardest as ar as local foods go are the best eggs...
That is an amazing looking sandwich!!! I have hunted and hunted for eggs here and I cannot for the life of me find any!!!! You are so lucky. I am very, very jealous!
you seriously did not photoshop that picture?? that yolk is legitimately that color!?
Abdominator - I like chores. They build character.
Terri - I'll probably never be rich enough for someone else to clean my house for me, but I actually find it rather cathartic. I am a crackhead, I know.
Emily - I felt like a champion after eating it, that's for sure.
Petah - After eating real eggs, it's gonna be really hard to go back (they slow down on laying in the winter).
Cookie - It's a Deery Lou the Cheerful Fawn mug! Deery Lou is my favorite Japanese character next to Kogepan ("Burnt Bread Man").
Claudia - I keep threatening to do Brinner (brekkie for dinner) to post, but then it's always easier to go to IHOP. :P I know, shameful.
Judy - You should get a couple chickens! The girls would love them, and they're really easy to keep. You could keep them in the greenhouse!
Amy - That is really the color! It was crazy, we ate them scrambled yesterday and it looked like I stirred turmeric in them, they were so yellow.
Man, I have to do chores too? Can't I just enjoy the sandwich? :) I love your description of the eggs. Maybe it was the hum of radioactivity, hee hee.
Classically you'd want a 60-20-20 ratio (c-p-f) calorie-wise per meal, or 67.5-22.5-10 weight-wise. But with all these new fads in carbohydrate de-prioritization, I may have thrown those figures in the toilet already.
Man, it's like we have some sort of psychic link. I've been all over the eggs-on-carbs-with-pork-and-garnishes lately. When there's work to be done, nothing else gets you there.
Forget breakfast! I'd love one of these any time of day! You are so right, too. There is nothing like really fresh eggs. We have a very large Amish community here and I grab them whenever I find them!
Nice! Love the moneyshot of the yolk spluging out:-) I'm really picky about my eggs and it took me 8 years to find eggs I like (and you're right most "free range" eggs still have the sickly pale color)
Man, that looks good, but your coffee mug looks kinda gay.
Yum. Real eggs make you feel good, no?
A gorgeous sandwich. Though I am a little suspicious of Portland bagels...my parents get some that are the size of footballs...
I'm envious of your eggs and I'm envious of that yolk ooze.
Definitely a breakfast to set you up for the day. Or send you back to bed!
So true about eggs - We're just waiting for our lazy chicks to start a-laying. And I guess that sandwich looks pretty good too.
Now this is a breakfast sammich.. If you could somehow put this in the drive thru you would be hero!!
Mark - Don't make me get all Little Red Hen on your ass! I think I knew the ratios of CPF, but I don't think of my food in terms of weight ratios, but in servings (even though the servings are by weight).
Jube - Tell me about it! After a brekkie like this I just started pacing around the yard looking for some lumber to jack.
Susan - A few of my coworkers bring them in occasionally, but it'd be nice to have a real source. Like the Amish.
Marc - My first blog traffic record was set by getting such a moneyshot onto Tastespotting. There's something so viscerally sexy about gooey egg yolk.
Syd - Oh it's totally faggoty-assed. The mug's kinda poufy, too.
Maggie - I don't know if we have enough Jews here to get proper bagels, but this one was good and chewy.
JS - The yolk ooze is a little boner-inducing. I might not be able to eat any other eggs again.
Foodycat - The eggs, ham and cheese were so rich, I think I'd have nightmares if I went to bed after eating this!
Alex - If we didn't have such a raccoon problem, I'd think more about hens of our own. I still might go for it if I get time to build a coop.
Cathy - Why aren't there any good drive-thrus? There's a money-maker, for sure.
That is my idea of a perfect breakfast. I had a neighbor who raised chickens when I was growing up and it's amazing the difference in the flavor of the egg.
Don't you just love Marsee Bakery? They have the best breads.
Looks great - this is SOME kinda breakfast sandwich!
That oozing egg yolk has to be in every breakfast. It's mandatory.
I remember the hens my grandma used to care about so much! Not many people these days have the opportunity of tasting something I used to take for granted back then. Yummy breakfast Heather!
This makes me want to do chores. Gawd! That yolk! It's day-glo!
i was just at BBB contemplating on buying those really little egg sauciers... u know the perfect size pan for a sandwich this size. this is confirmation i need to go back!
I love fresh eggs when they are still warm from the hen.
As for the sangwich...egg Mc-what? I'll never buy any brekkie sangwiches from Rotten Ronnie's again...this is how they should be made.
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