Some of you have been asking about this Hot Brown that I declared I would make with leftover turkey, and I'm gonna tell you all about it. The Hot Brown is a sandwich created at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, created in the 1920s by the one of the hotel's first chefs, Fred Schmidt. It's now an institution, and is commonly served during the Kentucky Derby. It's an open-faced turkey sandwich covered in a Parmesan Mornay sauce and bacon. An ideal way to use Thanksgiving leftovers, really. I bet you're wishing you still had some, aren't you.
I, however, used a combination of Parm Redge, extra sharp cheddar and Gruyère (I had a lot after the mac & chee cook-off, I don't usually keep pounds of it around). I also added a nice fat pinch of paprika to the Mornay, and served it on a thick slice of toasted French batard. I've decided that I altered the recipe for a hot brown just enough to give it a newer, sexier name. I dub this sandwich the Foxy Brown.

Don't mess aroun' with Foxy Brown. It's the meanest sammich in town.

Shiiiiiit. Hot browns. Why didn't I think of that? I love hot browns because they make my heart shudder with fear, which in turn makes me feel so, I don't know...alive!
My captcha was "bleat." Sheep writing this shit now?
I had never in my life heard of a 'hot brown' until now.
Sounds nommy, as does anything when served with makers and lemonade.
Damn! I coulda had a hot brown tonight instead of that insipid stuffing/turkey casserole thing? I didn't even EAT the casserole thing. I just froze a whole lot of leftover turkey, but I think some will be defrosted this week. And bourbon.
Good bourbon.
BTW... just sent you a very funny D&D funny.
This one's new to me! Damn it's sexy mamma! My god, I just love mornay! And that've done it this time Heather!
I just came home from dinner full, and looking at this I want some. You have the gift!Amd I too had never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing.
Kristie - Baaaa. I learned about Hot Brown from Throwdown with Bobby Fucking Flay, and have stored it in my brain ever since.
Brittany - Gah, it's 12 hours later and I'm still hittin' that fine Kentucky hooch.
Jen - Casseroles (and soup) are for the dregs. Now you know! Bust out some of the leftovers for this.
Petah - I just found out the name of that sauce a month or so ago, but now it's appeared in my blog numerous times! It's so good. On everything.
Courtney - I've been waiting to try a Hot Brown for awhile, and this'll hafta do until I get to Louisville.
That is the best use for leftover turkey ever! A few slivers of caramelised onion would work as well.
I've had, foxy...browns in the back of my mind lately since I meant to try it last year, but never did. It looks like I'm really going to have to get on that this week because that sounds so delicious. Plus, I fully support any meal that calls for a side of bourbon
I have also never heardof this, but I luckily am still swimming in turkey, so this is still a possibility for me!
I've lived in Kentucky for 6 years now, and have never tried a Hot Brown (not for lack of opportunity, though). If they offered this version on the menu, I wouldn't order anything else!
That is one bad ass sammich. Foxy Brown, indeed.
Love the name, the movie genre and all the cheesy goodness that comes with this sangwich.
El wrongo! I don't wish I had turkey leftovers. I wish I had THAT specific sandwich that you made. :P````` It just won't seem right if I made it with leftover chicken and whatever cheapo cheese we have sitting around here!
I have made a version of these in previous years when I have inevitable leftover turkey. Just so darn good:D
All I can think about now is Pam Grier and Rebecca De Mornay locked in either a mortal struggle or a carnal embrace. I'm going back and forth.
Aaaaw. Yeah. "Mysta."
i do say, this is hot enough to even be named after foxy brown. i've never heard of this sammy but throw a mornay sauce over pig shit and i'd eat it!
Mmmm...the first time I saw these was in Saveur and had to have one. They are amazing, and yours are making me want one right now even though I swore I was not having another turkey anything this year. I'd say that qualifies a "Hot Damn."
I have had these and they are messy, but so friggin good! Insanely good!
Your sandwich looks amazing! Unfortunately all of my leftover turkey was gone in a single day.
Just slide a little broccoli inside there, and you got a Foxy Brown Divan!
(I know. I just ruined it.)
OK now I have a reason to eat turkey again already. Awesome.
OH MAN, if I had only not thrown all the leftover turkey in a pot with chilies and greens and cooked the hell out of it. Not a mole, not a gumbo, but something in between. I'm only wishing I had set some aside now for foxy brown.
Hot damn! That looks like a mighty tasty sammich and great use of leftovers. Interestingly enough my t-day leftovers got turned into a concoction involving bread and bacon as well.
Foodycat - Well, that's just a given, isn't it?
Mike - Well get crackin'! You've been sitting on it for a year now!
Brittany - I still have an entire breast to slice up, so I might hit another one too.
Mindy - Try making your own! They're super easy. And so good.
Syd - I thought you'd like the Pam Grier shout-out. :)
Peter the Greek - Blaxploitation cinema is as fine as creamy Mornay.
Mark - "El Wrongo"? You're silly. I bet you could make a really nice Hot Brown-esque sammich with chicken.
Valli - It's almost worth roasting a turkey! :D
Jube - Think about them wrasslin' in a tub of hot Mornay sauce, and now you're talkin'.
Amy - Or, you could just eat it on bread and turkey, ya weirdo. :D
Kelly - I like that! "Hot Damn" has a ring to it.
Dawn - It's definitely a fork kind of sammich, but it is so good.
Sara - Dang! We can't get through it all fast enough. I've got about two or three more meals to go.
Cookiecrumb - A Divan always reminds me of a thing you rest your feet on, not a yummy dinner. Although, I do love broccoli w/cheese.
Rick - Mornay sauce gives us a reason to eat lots of things, doesn't it?
Ken - I hear you. I'm about to surrender to an amalgam of "a la king" and pot pie, myself.
Marc - From you, I'd expect nothing less. Bacon and bread'll render anything palatable (and some things delectable).
Hey Foxy,
Your last few posts have confirmed that I should have spent the weekend at chez Heath. your T-day dinner menu blew my T-day dinner-lameness theory out of the water. And then you followed up with a kick-ass breakfast and leftover sammy post. When does your Food channel show premier??
Heard of this in that Bobby Faly Throwdown show, too. Reminds me of a Welsh Rarebit.
So, so, good. I just don't have any words other than yum.
All we can say about this is MMMMM YUMMMMM!
Oh my, that is sexy. The only Hot Brown I've ever had was at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Glendale, KY. It was so smothered in sauce and cheese and gravy, it was just one fatty mound on the plate. Clearly, they don't get that to be sezy, you gotta show a little leg!
This is what comes from watching toom much Bobby Flay "Throwdown" isn't it?
Shit girl, go on wid chall bad self.
You should name it the Parm Gruyere....if you say it fast, it's kinda like Pam Greer. I know, it's a stretch.
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